Real Stories, Real Success:
When Staying Put is No Longer an Option

RSRS David Freund

David Freund was introduced to the John Maxwell Team at just the right time.  He was getting burned out at his job and needed a fresh perspective.

About four years ago, David was the president of a manufacturing company that had gone through a difficult move of facilities.  At the time, he kept thinking, “If I work harder, things will get better.”

He started putting in more and more hours, but things didn’t improve.  That is, until someone handed him John Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.  Soon, he realized that things at work weren’t better because he wasn’t getting better.

“If I was to grow,” he determined, “I needed to make the investment.  Staying put was no longer an option.”

So, David joined the John Maxwell Team.  It didn’t take long for his employees and family to notice a difference in him.  He was more positive, more focused, and happier after joining the Team.

Soon enough, he left his very secure corporate job to pursue his dream as an executive coach and leadership trainer.  David emphasizes that it was the teachings and encouragement of the John Maxwell team that gave him the courage he needed to make the leap and do it scared.

He also points out that a lot of people don’t realize that they already have a tribe; they just need to go to the place where they already have credibility.  By working with the tribe he had already established, David was able to equal his previous salary within a year on the Team.

For David, the impact the JMT has had on him is almost impossible to put into words.  “I am not the same person,” he says.  “I view things differently now.  My focus is on growth and adding value to others.”

To those just starting out, David emphasizes, “It will change your life–provided you let it.  You have to let the Team speak to you, and, when you do, it will change your life, as it did mine.”